Get Ready for Undawn - My First Look at the New Zombie MMO's CBT!
Undawn joins the list of post apocalyptic games being an open world zombie survival rpg with crafting and building bases and of course the ongoing threat of Zombies. This beta is essentially a mid to late stages of development for Undawn and I went into this closed beta test expecting the worst it being full of bugs and features not working or playing half of the game and somehow be another flop zombie survival game that is cross progressed with mobile as well. By the end of this video youll see why I’m actually quite impressed by how much fun i actually had playing Undawn.
Chaotic Inc. 13K2023-04-21
when ? i wan't to play this , i've been waiting this game for too long 🥺
looks good
it will become like left 4 dead or not?