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Valiant Force 2
Healthy game for F2P

Healthy game for F2P

2K View2023-03-02
- The aura battle system kinda unique
- U can doing just well without paying money, since the difference in stats between Rarity is not giving so much advantage.
- Have skip story button for lazy gamer.
- The story is fun enough to play through, not just auto and u can easy beat the map
- Really have potential with new modes that the devs gonna add up in new patches.
- Take much time for a battle due to Aura system, although it has 2x speed, but I think that just won't enough.
- Still have some bugs, but not kind of critical one.
- The AI is kinda dumb, so it would be boring for PVP match, I think the devs should improve this by let us able to set action's order to make it more interesting
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Its a great game but the only down side is that its difficult for f2p players to progress quickly and sometimes requires too much grinding which will be difficult for casual players and it is hard to get the things we put in rate up list it feels like it does not change anything. And the combat requires polishing because sometimes the auto lock does not lock correctly or sometimes the ranged weapons do not hit the target and there are other glitches as well that need to be fixed.
Bare Gaming2232024-03-31
🎮 Gameplay: Spend resources to make numbers go up and watch your characters battle 4/10 📖 Storyline: Easily irrelevant and uninteresting, you can skip without worrying, characters aren't charismatic and won't shut up lol 2/10 🎨 Graphics: L2D with warnings for photosensitive people, seriously why jiggle the entire screen? To make people dizzy? Character design of this game used some kind of drug 3/10
🎮 Gameplay: The game is good but it did take me a little bit of time getting used to the fighting mechanic since it's different from normal ones but other than that it's a good game. 👍 Pros: In my perspective this game is f2p friendly since  after the a few chapters in the game's story I have gotten a few S-ranks  while they might not be the meta it shows that this game gives new players a chance.
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