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Why Brookhaven is dying

Why Brookhaven is dying

1K View2023-03-03
So here are the things why roblox brookheaven is dying its my opinion why roblox Brookhaven is dying.
Sorry I didn't get the real image because it was hard to put it. Anyways let's start.
So the first one: is why it's dying is guns because it doesn't work and this makes there fans made and me too it doesn't work you can watch YouTube but still it doesn't they can make a sever where you can use guns.
The second thing: this is how the game is losing players so why it's losing players is ding doing ditching because it makes people mad but if you turn volume down then you don't hear and same thing with music, if you are small and you break in too house rob houses and make a mess this is really annoying to players and last ruining roplays this is the other thing that players get annoyed by too because if you get in car  or others there going to rage quite the game.
The third thing: is when you join servers because when I always join one people talk Spanish and I want them to talk English. I have 59% percent chance I get into Spanish servers.
Last thing hacking: I joined a sever and I couldn't play i was in the thing that when you go into a game you see this thing in the screen and I was stuck i kept joining but still until the hacker or exporter was gone and I could join in.
Is roblox brookheaven  every going to stay as one of the top game or not well let's see. I worked alot so please like, share and follow me
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