Pickle Pete Survival RPG is A Delicious Good Time...
Pickle Pete Survival RPG has the typical survival gameplay like other games in its genre but brings way more progression than others. The game is simply you controlling a man turned into a pickle and trying to survive waves. But it is not just endless and mindless waves. At the start you will have level 1 which consists of 10 waves in total. In wave gets increasingly harder and throws new enemies at you. The 10th wave is the big boss battle, and it is very epic and just feels like chaotic fun. After you kill an enemy, they drop a pickle which you need to collect as a currency. After you complete the wave if your character gained enough xp you will level up and have some new skill cards to choose from. Then you can use your pickles collected to buy new weapons, upgrades or various other items to assist you in the upcoming waves.
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