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Eternal Evolution
Crimson Abyss Guide - Eternal Evolution

Crimson Abyss Guide - Eternal Evolution

1K View2023-03-17
✨Written by Oracle
It’s important to note the boss at the start will target the hero to the front left,
then switches to closest opponent, your positioning will effect EVERYTHING and is very important.
Option 1 (I have used this for up to 13 so far)
Front Leo / Anpu (Leo on Auto, Anpu turn off his auto)
Middle Masrani / Sorvaley (Need to manual) 
Back Daniel (Need to manual
Dominant Nucleus (Can use pain rune but more difficult)
Ruler’s ring or Prism Amulet (for Leo survivability)
Flashpoint (NEED the shields)
Enlightened or Hagradon for shield on Leo
Option 2 (I have used this for up to 14) 
Front Muka / Anpu (Need Muka ex30, full vig with HP% HP% DRed% turn off auto for both)
Middle Mas / Sorv (Need to manual Mas, can leave Sorvaley on auto)
Back (can auto Daniel)
Dominant Nucleus
Ideally Ruler's ring
Flashpoint (Shields!)
Enlighted or Hag for shield on Muka
Option 3 (I have used this for up to 15) 
Front Muka / Anpu (Need Muka ex30, full vig with HP% HP% DRed% turn off auto for both)
Middle Mas / Sorv (Need to manual Mas, can leave Sorvaley on auto)
Back (can auto Daniel)
Dominant Nucleus
Ideally Ruler's ring
Flashpoint (Shields!)
Enlighted with +1 all skills Anpu
1. Crystalline breath (left - CD 30 seconds)
Pushes you, you need as many summons on field as possible, anything under 10-12 will push your team off the map.
2. Crashing stomp (middle - CD 45 seconds) AOE and weakens the bridge/destroys it.
3. Thundering hammer (right - CD 10 seconds) AOE / the boss does a bite during this time targeting twice the closest target.
Option 1
(Leo: It is important to notate that you NEED mobs in the front so Leo is targeted less).
At 3:44 the boss will do a slam and kill all mobs on front row, you can use ultimates as the AOE will regenerate your energy, use Anpu's ult < Sorvaley < Daniel (Sorvaley’s summons come up quicker than Anpu) 2 seconds prior, Masrani on the mobs for shields, ideally some survive the wave.
*You can use Sorv and Anpu any time, but if 10 seconds or less till skill 1 on boss then DON'T. Daniel you need roughly 15-19 depending on energy regen*
At 3:30 skill 1 will cast by boss, 2 seconds before pop Daniel, next anpu IF there are no corpse on screen then Sorvaley If there are corpse, then wait for Sorvaley’s ult (should be right around this time) and Masrani the summons.
(Flashpoint will shield the mobs and help them survive the push)
*Repeat this 2 seconds every time before skill one timer is up*
Option 2 and 3
Muka - You NEED mobs in the front so Muka is not targeted, try to avoid his ultimate as he will then be the closest target. IF he is targeted by skill 3 bite, cast Anpu ultimate < Masrani’s on the summons.
(This will help him survive but also put some mobs near the front to help take of agro)
At 3:44 the boss will do a slam and kill all mobs on front row, feel free to use ultimates as the AOE will regen your energy, Pop Anpu's ult 2 seconds prior < Masrani on the mobs for shields, ideally some survive the wave.
*Repeat this process every time skill 2 or 3 happens, if corpse die cast Anpu, if corpse on screen DON’T, you want them at the front between Muka and boss and killing them will make Muka a target*
At 3:30 skill 1 will cast by boss, 2 seconds before pop Anpu IF there are no corpse on screen.
If there are corpse then wait for Sorvaley’s ultimate (should be right around this time) < Masrani the summons.
(Flashpoint will shield the mobs and help them survive the push)
* Repeat this 2 seconds before skill one timer is up*
ANPU Surge/Hawkeye atk% acc% atk%
SORVALEY Lightgap/vigorous crit% acc% hp%
MUKA Full vigorous hp% hp% dred%
MASRANI Abundant/vigorous hp% hp% hp%
DANIEL Full hero atk% atk% atk%
(Sorvaley in lightgap helped more than a typical healing set, getting the mobs out fast in the beginning etc. why i kept it)
ANPU continuously summons corpse, you technically could complete it with never casting his ult.
LEO just let him auto and do what he does best.
MUKA the less you use his ult the better as he is targeted less.
MASRANI timing roughly every minute at the following intervals 45 seconds, 30 seconds and 5-10 seconds
(You want to wait for Sorv to cast before you use mas, and make sure you get her mobs in the buff).
DANIEL It is important that bear is up when boss does skill 1 with Leo team.
SORVALEY Auto for Muka team, Leo team ensure to follow the timing rotations.
=  -  =  -  =  -  =  -  =  -  =  -  =  -  =  -  =  -  =  -  =  -  =  -  =  -  =
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