
Games worth discovering

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
'Pokémon Scarlet and Violet (NS)' impression

'Pokémon Scarlet and Violet (NS)' impression

548 View2023-03-20
I waana try this game... I have seen many gameplay video of this game on YouTube and I love all of it..
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'Pokémon Scarlet and Violet (NS)' impression
I have seen this in live stream and I am excited to play this game. Love this game 😍 because I love pokemon from my childhood and I think this game is the best game of Pokemon
Mohuya Pal1K2022-12-05
'PokeMMO' impression
the games looks  cool and fun and i have play alot of nintendo games so this game caught my attention  now and ii rreally wwant tto ppaly tthis ggame sso bbad
"I downloaded this game purely for its art style, and after playing for a few days, I'd like to share my experience. My first impression is that it's a light, casual social game with Pokémon as the main theme. The Pokémon in the game are very cute! The art style and graphics of the game's scenes and character modeling are quite good
uri zaine3772023-12-13
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