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Why i think season 7 is the worst season in roblox bedwars history!

Why i think season 7 is the worst season in roblox bedwars history!

1K View2023-03-30
So this are my thoughts about season 7 and why its bad and its my opinion.
The first one is why did they have to take ballons. So the devs had to take always ballons for no reason and this is bad because there are tryhards getting crossbows and shooting of the bridge and if you had ballons it will save you this is probably why this season is bad.
So the second one is why did they have to add rent kits. So they added kit rentals. right so that means the game isn't going to be fair to other players because they get to pick kits they want its going to also be hard to win a game with this be cause of players this is probably why season 7 is the worst season.
Third is crates so when I every I get a crate I pick random and for some reason it gives me bad stuff. And I want to get kit rental all and now they added more its harder and now I'm level 20 I can't get crates anymore. And also the good thing is when your level 20 there's free kits when your 20.
I know this was last season but they made teleperals cost 2 ems and it spouse to cost 1 em and now bedwars got expensive.
Now is Baconwars now why I kinda hate this is because of are hairs I fell like its not good and its boys and girls and everyone that have that the bacon hair. And if the devs made that you can go to your locker and remove the hair but for me I kinda like it.
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My overall review of Roblox, over the years of playing the game.
This game has a lot of positives, but has some negatives I noticed, which i have to war players since my previous account has been hacked by a link. Do not trust external and even internal links, I dont know how I can stress this problem enough, 9times out of ten, its most likely a scammer or a hacker trying to get into  your account, please be very careful what ever you do.   2. You have  the problem where you play a game and if its a really old game and with no one playing. The experience isn't available I feel like if it hasn't been available for more than  half a year it should be auto deleted or at least set to private until the next update. Just so we can play ones that are available instead ones that isn't.  Other than these two major problems.
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