The King of Fighters Allstar adds XV Mai Shiranui and XV Kula Diamond in latest update
3K View2023-03-31
The King of Fighters Allstar, a mobile combat game, is getting an exciting new update from Netmarble. Two new playable characters are introduced, along with combat cards for them and a few events that can be completed to earn a variety of rewards.
The King of Fighters' first fighter to be presented The extremely sensual XV Mai Shiranui is the most recent upgrade from Allstar. She enhances the attack and burn damage dealt by fierce fighters because she is a Red Element and Defense type character. The Kunoichi of Fire effect, which is a unique ability granted by Mai, increases her attack, critical hit hate, critical damage, and active skill damage.
The next variety is XV Kula Diamond, a Purple Element-powered Defence type. While Kula is protected from being stunned, frozen, or enveloped in darkness thanks to her special ability, her leader skill increases attack by a set percentage. Enemies in the Brr condition will be frozen and have 100% less defense if skills are applied to them. She can also produce a critical hit shield that deflects harm momentarily.