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Rumble Heroes : Adventure RPG
Rumble Heroes | Gameplay And Game Rewiew

Rumble Heroes | Gameplay And Game Rewiew

2K View2023-04-03
Rumble heroes is a rpg and 2D game.
When you first start this game, you are fighting a monster to save a princess. When you lose the war, you wake up on an island. By collecting meat from rabbits on this island, you open new places and new heroes.
As you progress further in the game, you come across an abandoned village. You revive this village with the materials you collect and unlock new features.
For example, by opening the shop, you can buy new heroes and get points to strengthen your existing heroes.
I usually don't like 2D games of this type but this is a very nice game.
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Rumbling and Tumbling
To not miss any future mobile reviews subscribe to my YouTube Channel Playtime: ~3.5 hours Full Review Link: Rumble Heroes: Adventure RPG does RPG leveling well. You begin your journey as a lone wanderer and slowly build a small army that is able to take on increasingly more difficult enemies. There is a pretty steady amount of progression and completing the missions that are often just kill “X” enemies managed to be fairly enjoyable. Combat is automatic with your characters attacking the enemies in range. You gather resources to both level up skills and unlock later areas. The game also offers dungeons which can drop loot that can be used to give you a team wide buff. While the game does have the dreaded microtransaction store. It never feels like you have to pay in order to progress the game. This, however, more than likely happens much later into ones playtime. For the three and a half hours I played the game, I enjoyed it. Thus, I would recommend you give the game a try.
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