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Dark and Light Mobile
Dark and Light Mobile - Ace's Posts - TapTap

2K View2023-04-04
I know its early and the game is in testing consider this review as an early stage review.
Game is super buggy.
1.Building need to be fixes people can build underwater (its easier) and i can't build in a slightly under balanced (not hills very hard and anoying) terrain.
2.Also when you merge servers you need to mail your members days before so they can gather their stuff.
3.1 Inventory inside territory totem must be fixed its to inconvenient to place everything manually in benches.
3.2 Max capacity should not be 1K it should be what the maximum you can craft in that moment or add another button.
3.3 you should fix the armor and weapon making. It is to messy change the colors of the files or delete them and create level like folders also make sure to add information on their icons.
4.Also you should make a mark on the base of the player and make it able to mark on the map.
I'm Hoping that i didn't waste my time writing this and you take it in your consideration.
There is much more that can be done also some missions get completed on their own without me crafting whats needed.
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Glad to know that you have taken your time doing this. And thank you for your suggestions! They're very useful. We will do our best to improve this game and give you a better game experience.



Incompatible with my huawei Nova 5t. Game crashes


Mau vale
Mau vale

who cares?


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Here's my honest review for this game, hope you're reading this dev... -The tutorial is short and not descriptive enough -Should've added a roll/dodge button -Character should look different base on the armors you're wearing, instead of just the weapon -Character should float on water instead of weighing tons and sticking to the ground as always -Should've change the graphics into individual like Resolution, Shadows, Details, Grass, Environment, etc..
So far so good, but...
Great game! Amazing combat mechanics and is rather easy to understand once gotten the hang of it. Story by far is a bit lacking with characters that aren't much interesting, but I guess that can be improved further on. Some character animations are a bit exaggerated which looks ridiculous, so I suggest you to tone down the the actions they do. A MUST be fixed problems I've encountered are: 1) Game overheats easily which results to frame drops and lag.
Review, need more improvements
It's a good game actually. Good : - Graphics is enough to maintain stability and game size.. Bad : - sometimes the movement/ action is bad .. - the combo sometimes doesn't works. - the stamina is drain too fast - I think it took too long to reach next level. - arrow damage is too low, need a bit more damage. It's far from logic that need many arrows just for 1 kill, even though for the smallest enemy, it feels useless. If you think raising the arrow damage will wipe out enemies faster, then just respawn faster. I know it's just a game, but I need more sense here.
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