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Metria (Alpha) - An OPEN WORLD Action RPG With a LOT OF POTENTIAL

Metria (Alpha) - An OPEN WORLD Action RPG With a LOT OF POTENTIAL

1K View2023-04-13
Metria is an anime style open world action rpg game that is currently in Alpha testing for a limited time. Gameplay wise, Metria has you controlling your character with the left virtual joystick, and there is 4 attack buttons, 3 of which are your special attacks, and then your main attack, which you can hold down to continue attacking.
I did notice that the 3 special attacks have very long cool downs, probably a lot longer than they should be. Makes the combat feel very slow. There is also a dodge roll and jump button as well.
The combat to be honest felt very clunky, and when I tried to lock on to targets, my camera would sometimes go straight to the ground for unknown reasons. In this Alpha there were no main quests, though there was plenty of side quests you could pick up.
Though it was confusing to try find where to go for these quests. Usually there is a quest marker to show where your quest objectives are located, and I think there is... Sometimes. I noticed a yellow dot on the screen, though when I tried to do something like fish for example for the fishing side quest I got, I was not getting the specific fish the quest giver was asking for at all.
And many times the fishing mini game wouldn't work. In the end I just spent most my time attack many monsters and playing with the character swap feature. In the Alpha you are given several SR and SSR characters to play around with.
Funnily enough I didn't like the feel of the SSR characters combat, and felt they were very weak compared to the SR characters I had. Which is an odd thing to say, but thats how it felt for me. So I swapped out the SSR team for the SR team. I especially liked the bow user, she felt especially powerful.
The world map shows these yellow icons on the map at various locations, which I think is telling you there's plenty of side quests in that region. Because the symbols on the map match the quest giver symbol too. Visually the game looks pretty promising.
The graphics are bright and colorful and while I couldn't go into the settings to make it max graphics, I can tell that when you are finally able to access those settings when the game comes out, the game is going to look stunning. Overall I'd say that Metria looks promising. I cannot be too harsh on what I experienced during the Alpha since it is just that.
An alpha test, not even a beta. There was very minimal things I could do, but what I could do did feel pretty confusing. I hope that over time they get the questing system right, make the combat feel less sluggish, and fix the camera jankiness. I forgot to mention that this game has zero auto pathing or auto combat... Well, for now. I don't know if that might change. But in the current Alpha there was none of that. I enjoyed having to actually play the game instead of just watching it play itself. So I hope that doesn't change.
Metria is currently in Alpha and will be for a limited time. You can find and download it on the google play store and try it for yourself!
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I like how when a Chinese company makes a new gameplay style, other companies instantly make the same game but with different characters


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