
Games worth discovering

Roblox - MaddiePro's Posts - TapTap

1K View2023-04-17
This is an amazing game for those who enjoy using their imagination. There are millions of games to choose from and some what endless creativity (Roblox is strict when it comes to this). But even though this game might sound interesting as it is, there are some negatives to the game I would like to point out. First, there's the lag. You need to have a certain amount of internet to be able to play certain games with out being kicked from the server or having intense lag. Second, they don’t bother checking the reports. When you experience a issue in a game and you try to report it, there’s a 98.5 percent chance you won’t see it resolved, since they rarely even read the reports. And when they do, they don’t do anything to fix it. I could go on forever about this, but other than these problems, it’s a great game I absolutely recommend playing :)
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My overall review of Roblox, over the years of playing the game.
This game has a lot of positives, but has some negatives I noticed, which i have to war players since my previous account has been hacked by a link. Do not trust external and even internal links, I dont know how I can stress this problem enough, 9times out of ten, its most likely a scammer or a hacker trying to get into  your account, please be very careful what ever you do.   2. You have  the problem where you play a game and if its a really old game and with no one playing. The experience isn't available I feel like if it hasn't been available for more than  half a year it should be auto deleted or at least set to private until the next update. Just so we can play ones that are available instead ones that isn't.  Other than these two major problems.
TTHIS GAME IS PRETTY GOOD!! THERE ARE MULTIPLE GAMES IN ONE AND ITS RLLY FUN!! IF YOU DONT PLAY ROBLOX PLEASE CONSIDER. ^_^👍 Pros: fun, enjoyable, customizable avatar, freinds, GOOD GAMES (work at a pizza place, evade, adopt me Ig, bloxburg, Brookhaven, the mimic, weird strict dad.. Etc). 👎 Cons: glitches, rude ppl, (sometimes) there is hackers, BAD GAMES (random obbys, idk theres alot) 🎮 Gameplay: pretty good! 📖 Storyline: NO storyline unless you play a game with a story line. Mostly no? 🕹️ Controls: fantastic. Mostly no errors.
☁️ fish // fishy ⁉️ ☁️7592023-10-30
Roblox is a platform where there are all sorts of games and you will most likely find something you enjoy since its so diverse its a really fun game to play  its not perfect it does have some issues ecpecially if you're playing on phone or the tablet its best played on the PC if you can👍 Pros: very diverse different collections of games from different developers very creative and out of pocket 👎 Cons: laggy , dosent run too well on the phone has a system called tags that somtimes prevents you from saying things but often dosent filter out the actual bad stuff and tags words that arent bad
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