One of, if not, the BEST mobile games out there. Already beat it three times, 100%ing it each time and I'm till not done. Great graphics, gameplay, and story. Especially the controls, they feel very fluid and simple. Along with seeing a loveable purple slobber thing as the mc. My only real complaints is the infinite mode, and bosses (kinda). First off the infinite mode, the rounds aren't randomized and the bosses are either super easy or annoying. And the repetitive rounds that don't randomize makes playing it feel like a chore. And my last complaint are the bosses. Now don't get me wrong, the love the bosses, they're great, no complaints from me. It's the exploits you can pull off to beat them real easy, getting rid of the challenge. Don't do this if you wana have fun, but if you get leaf form and fire form you can cheese every boss, including the last one. Spamming ground pound and dash makes every boss a punching bag, and don't worry about combos or health, you aren't penalized for spamming, and the bosses don't do anything to combat this except running away. But that's just a flaw in the game design, not the bosses fault. If they fixed this it'd be a lot more fun to fight them. So in the mean time I don't abuse this to beat everything.