TapTap, ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!! Are you trying to be a competitive game or just make money because $100 for Vincent is NOT worth it. If he was good I’d say its pay to win but fortunately for everyone else he has no HP and is easy to spot if you know your teammates. DON’T SPEND YOUR MONEY IN THE ARCADE, unless you’re you have 2000 tgems to throw away.
or maybe u lost gratefulness when u first looked in the mirror
Author likedDevs said they needed money for the game so they pay walled Vincent to earn the extra cash. realistically if your f2p you'll never get him because of the low amount of star coins and gems they hand out. Was reading about this on here and it doesn't make sense to ask for money while using said money on the T3 arena league or Esport. Think they just wanted to fuel the league to please investors if they got any or even get more investors to get involved but they got like 120ish viewers for the main events and that's bad.
yeah it's very p2w but I still play it just because it's like a mobile overwatch
Only poor players like you think Vincent is expensive go on keep hating yooo
at least I have a caring family and friends some selfish person must have let you become who you are
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