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OUTERPLANE - Strategy Anime
Outerplane is a great-looking gacha that reminds me of Epic Seven

Outerplane is a great-looking gacha that reminds me of Epic Seven

2K View2023-04-22
When I first downloaded Outerplane, admittedly, my first thought was, "Here we go, another PTW gacha game," but what I got instead was a pleasant surprise. The anime-styled animations were impressive, and the narrative and combat mechanics kept me glued to my screen for much longer than I thought I would be.
What drew my attention to this one was partly because so many people compared this to Epic Seven, which the same studio also published. I could see the inspiration in the game mechanics. But the opening sequence (I won't spoil it here) also offered a WTF moment I wasn't expecting that grabbed my attention early.
In my playthrough, I didn't get a strong PTW vibe. I could reroll as much as I wanted (in the opening segment) until I got the 3-star hero I liked. Additionally, the anime-styled graphics common in JRPG stories of this type look great. I specifically liked the voice acting and the special moves each character had.
Outerplane has everything I'd expect in a gacha of this type. There were guilds I could join, heroes I could collect, and an upgradable home base. Though I was able to progress without paying any money, if you're serious about hero collecting, undoubtedly, you'll need to spend some cash to get the rarest heroes. If you were a fan of Epic Seven, try this one.
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Lyle Holland
Lyle Holland

same developer so its bound to remind you of its successor



what the fuck are you doing, acting? English dubbing is the worst it can be in games of animated style


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Outerplane is a new Anime Gacha RPG. Watch me stream over on Twitch: https://stixy.me/Twitch Artist Sauce: official Read more: https://www.mmobyte.tv/ FOLLOW ME ヽ(´▽`)/: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mmobyte Twitter: https://twitter.com/ByteStix/ All credit is given (in the form of "sauce") to the original creators of every piece of art used.
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