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takt op. Symphony
takt op. Symphony - NevFour's Posts - TapTap

5K View2023-04-26
ok so.. this will be long so bear with me.
i kinda fixed my stuck problem by making new account which is whatever, now i can properly comment on the game itself.
Although the game itself is indeed beautiful and i have no doubt that the anime lover would instantly shower it with praise.
The UI and navigation is a mess, overcomplicated to be more precise. For example the main menu(top right) it serve as shortcut which i assumed it would be a shortcut but in reality your character still need to walk to the station you click from the shortcut, why?? i have no idea.
you'd think that I'm nitpicking, maybe you're right as i tried to be ignorance about the hassles and kept playing until a mindblowing stuff shoved into my eyes...
you see.. dupes is not a strange things in gacha game, i get the concept of making money etc but god damn this one is painful..
1star character need 30 fragments for 2star rank up. what's the problem?you might ask. well... each draw of 1star from gacha only giving you 3fragments. do you see the problem here?
Yes! 2stars will need more(90 to rank up, only 10 per dupe you draw or 9dupes).
3stars to 4star need 150 to rank up, 50 you get per dupes.
those are based on their initial stars. if you want to raise 1star unit to 3stars you have to get that character 40times,  to 4stars? 90times.
i really hope they will change this when they launch the game, let's hope that they will not fall into greed pit and make the game only shine in couple of weeks and then dried out.
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I agree 100% with this review. It is NOT F2P friendly one bit. I truly hope they don't make it that difficult for upgrades. I love the concept but will not play the release if the gacha system is not balanced.



Speaking of F2P friendly, it is not even friendly to pay. I am not dumping $100+ just to get one character to 3-4 star....


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I don’t mind p2w games if I can spare the cash and if I really like the story.



The issue isn't that it's p2w. Issue is not everyone can spare $100+, or $200 for just 1 character


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I really like this game. This game has everything that you need for a gacha game, but everything needs to be improved. First of all the main problem that needs to solve, is the updates are really slow. Secondly there are very little animated cutscenes for the main story, we need more interactive and engaging main story. The Gameplay is perfect and it is the strength of this game, but there is no point of cool action heavy gameplay if the main story feels like a silent film from 1920s, I mean it is not that hard to hire some VA and add some voices to dialogues for f*cks sake. All the Characters are really good but there are only a few characters available and what's the point of differentiating between Uniframes and Omniframes, I don't get it.
Mehbub I. Talukdar5822024-04-06
This game presents a clear picture of how vile and greedy Chinese companies making online games can be. Yes, Century Games is a chinese corp. We've been lied to and misinformed about the game being generous to users with tons of good free and event stuffs, but the music stops as soon as you enter the game and see it for yourself . . . . Asides from the skill animations & graphical aspects, nothing much about the game is praiseworthy nor does it have anything new to offer in the Turn Based RPG market. The devs would go as far as to remove and toss down the negative reviews while keeping the positive ones (by clone accounts) above, fooling people into falling for their trap. Despite the stamina giveaway, you're still eventually going to struggle for it as well as the materials needed to level up and promote your heroes in short time. Story and dungeon mode difficulty rises rapidly as you proceed on and there is no option to skip the hero ultimate skill animation prolonging the battle phases. And as for gacha itself... That's beyond horrible. The drop rate is only 1% and that speaks true for itself. Even Netease's Onmyoji (company I hate) has better drop rates (1.2%) than this dumpster fire of a RPG. Not to mention the gacha resources are also very tough to acquire. The game let's new users make only 5 retries of gacha on the so-called "choose you legendary hero" banner among 7 legendary heroes (NERFED) when it doesn't even guarantee legendary grade on every pull. It's as if the devs deliberately don't want you to have any decent legendary grade hero for a satisfied start of the game. On the other hand, a new Chinese RPG named "The Project : Akasha" at it's initial stage is already being very generous enough to all users, with gacha drop rate being 4.6% .. Everytime I enter that game, I'm being bombarded with tons of freebies. Not just that, even Soul Land and Figure Story has drop rates of 10% and 4% respectively. Heir of Light, Super String and Hero Cantare are also very promising to users of all class. These are the types of companies that actually value their customers' mental satisfaction and want them to continue using their gaming products with a smile. These are the types of companies your money is worth investing on. Mark my words, by the end of this year or the beginning of next year, this game will literally lose more than half of it's users unable to meet their common needs, thus becoming a ghost town RPG where only your message on global chat window will echo around. In short, if you're someone who don't mind stingy RPG and aimed for competition & annihilation (of younger free players in PvP) , then congrats, this might be the perfect game for you ~~
Ρяιи¢єѕѕ ∂σℓℓу1K2022-01-19
Bad game just want to take money from players : ( About gacha, you cannot get even a complete character from gacha shop. And 180 pieces of character can finally summon......That make no sense. Data downloading every minute, why you don't let us download full package before we enter the game. Such bad experience do not worth playing.
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