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PAYDAY: Crime War
payday: crime war

payday: crime war

1K View2023-05-05
Waited too long for this, plays alright, faithful to the PC version to a point, though some functionality limitations that can't be expressed fully on the mobile platform. The repeat gameplay has much to be desired. I dunno if I could play it for long. Otherwise this is a good game worth checking out.
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I have to say, for a mobile game, this replicates payday 2 quite nicely. The graphics ain't too bad,  the mission notoriety is an interesting system, it has multiple weapons and attachments, although this game has its issues, first of all, microtransactions although it isnt too intrusive, the safe system being the main way to unlock weapons, vests, etc, and the sheer grind of the game, the game being dead, the bots being borderline braindead, having to play the same mission over and over again until you can move on to the next city and do the same thing again and from what I've heard, the game has optimization issues. Even with its issues, payday crime wars is a must if you wanna play payday on the go.
PayDay: Crime War - A FANTASTIC, Super Fun & ACTION PACKED Heist Game!
PayDay: Crime War recently released on Mobile Devices and it really was a lot of fun to play. While the match making may need some improvements, the game itself is very fun. Now you can play PayDay on the go! I highly recommend you give it a try. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel:
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