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League of Legends: Wild Rift
A Fragment of a Report by Bandle City’s Foremost Scout

A Fragment of a Report by Bandle City’s Foremost Scout

2K View2021-01-20
Piltover and Zaun are two sides of the same city. In these bustling bastions of technology, it can be easy to lose yourself. Easier still to disappear without a trace. Here’s a fragment of a report on it by Bandle City’s foremost scout:
“I don’t normally like to fly, but sometimes I think this might be the only way to get around all these Zaunite allies. Corki was kind enough to give me a lift, although having to listen to him jabber on made me wonder if I could survive jumping from this height.”
“This place is lousy with cats! Maybe even more than Bandle City, and that's saying something!”
Embrace the genius and madness of Piltover and Zaun today in Wild Rift’s latest event, Yordle Expedition.
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