Haunted Dorm Review—A Dauntless Yet Confounding Endeavour of the Stout-Hearted in a Ghastly Housing
Reading Time: 2 mins 21 secs
For some unknown reason, one of my mates, Arthur, thought it was an ace idea to get us out of our houses and drag us to Pluckley, Kent, early this week. Looks can be deceiving when it comes to this gorgeous Wealden village — it is, after all, astir with tales of the paranormal.
I'll admit that I have always loved a good old ghost story. So, you can say I am primed to have a ghost sighting, or rather, hopeful for one. And at Pluckley, ghosts are a big part of the village (I mean, it has been awarded the Guinness World Record for Britain's most-haunted village back in 1989).