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Apex Legends Mobile
Apex Legends Mobile - -_-M1ST-_-'s Posts - TapTap

878 View2023-05-14
This game gave me and my friends a wider spectrum of OG games for mobile we really enjoyed it from its amazing graphics and how it supports many low ish end devices
not only that The game had wonderful competitive modes and gaming experience was always enjoyable I never had a dull moment while playing this game with its killer events and skins
this game was made for every body from strategic players, rushers it honestly had it all for me
I hope this game could come back I miss it so much
I wish I could attach my gameplay just to prove how amaizing this game is
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THE og mobile game. Still as fun if not more. However, the ever increasing complexity, (more catered towards eSports scene) upgrade times, resource cost and number of levels on your heroes has quickly made me fall out of love with the game and eventually drop it. Global chat being dropped didn't help either.
My favorite mobile game ever, played all the time. I hope they bring it back because there was nothing wrong with the game.
Catelynn Helm1K2023-08-12
The best ever game I played on a mobile device. I just hope it comes back again.
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