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War Thunder Mobile
Great game but needs some work (It's a good game for Beta version though)

Great game but needs some work (It's a good game for Beta version though)

1K View2023-05-14
NOTE: I love the game and therefor il keep editing this post with new points that I find will be good to improve on. Also, since I gained quite some traffic in terms of likes on the origional post I decided to express my words and ideas more clearer.
1. The first think I'd like to speak about is movement. The way the movements works just feels a little awkward at first. And I say "at first" because after some games you get the hang of it. But can it be optimized? Yeah i definately feel so.
2. The mechanism of hitting and penetration is kinda weird. I often shoot tanks from the rear or side, even trying to hit the ammo storage or fuel tanks yet they dont explode after multiple shots. Neither do critical hits have them to explode all the time.
Which feels weird because sometimes I just get one shotted from the front.
Perhaps its me and then some clearance would be nice. But otherwise I'd ask the devs to fix it because it just makes no sense to me.
3. A more in depth tutorial on usage of shells and on different kind of tanks such as anti air etc.
Could probably also count for shipbattles (how to fly a plane etc). But I have not played this mode many times so I can't say too much about this.
4. It would be nice if there could be a more realistic environment such as Battlefield for example. More flames on the map after items being shot to pieces, more smoke from burning tanks, walls and other structures that can be blasted and crumbled by shells etc.
If there is anything more to add feel free to comment and il add it in the post.
Thanks :)
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The graphics and gameplay are good, but please improve the controls. The game has a shell tank theme and it's pretty good. There are many tank variants like the T34 tank.
This game is good but the controls are too bad  it take whole minute to turn around game play him self no bad but also aiming system is bad as well and do normal balance because on level 2 tank you get vs level 4 tanks at least could do level 2 tanks vs level 2 tanks because it's almost impossible to break through the armor of the level 4 tank so if you could fix that would be grate but for now only 3 stars.
It's nice but needs a lot more work some things are really unrealistic
its nice & all but needs more work on the explosions of tanks they just disappear would be nice too use as cover add helicopters like the apache chinook or the same ones trom battlefield big ones or not the buzzard looking ones from gta v cuz those helicopters are soo overated but if you do at least add different arsenal of vehicles & helicopters but different modes like with just tanks or helicopters some bigger maps like a ground war mode bot modes with all the multiplayer mode with challenges & rewards if that happens make the bots super hard & have ai or not would be nice too add sliding maybe more vehicles or pedestrian vehicles rog system free roam mission area like the division would be dope & having safe zone camp bunker base survival mode raid or defend from players ,& bots where you can have soldiers take out bases & another survival mode where its 4 too 8 or 16 & more players there are the harder it gets nore bots more tanks more planes more getting attacked by helicopters if you can add planes would be nice game is great but buildings antennas dont get destroyed or the ground would be nice too of the driving system was a wheel if the ads has ads not sure if people are ok with paraglides if so have amode on It guns shoot really nice & smooth... If guns shoot more realistic it be a bonus adding female/male character options would be dope too blow up planes as well big planes fall hit too the ground realistically & can also use the rubble as well as cover but when its on fire it can burn you & it stays during the whole match reset repeat if heads blown up realistically as graphics or gore settings blow peoples arms or lets off...
SAILOR MOON2K2022-11-14
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