A new installment of Gameloft's phenomenally popular Dungeon Hunter franchise will be developed and published by Goat Games, the company has revealed. It targets a release by the end of this year and restores the classic ARPG action for mobile consumers.
The most recent installment of the Dungeon Hunter franchise, which has been active for almost 14 years, will have the same beloved gameplay. Once more, players will be chopping through waves of foes while amassing tons of loot in an effort to restore order to the realm.
Do you remember the epic battles in the classic Dungeon Hunter series - dark dungeons, terrifying creatures, and fantastic loot? Good news! We're developing a NEW game in the series, and we need YOUR help!
We want to hear about your experiences, memories, and expectations.
Please take a moment to fill out this short questionnaire
cannot wait for this one. Very fond memories of DH5 in particular