Counter Strike 2 Mobile Rumored to be in Development
Fans of the classic first-person shooter game Counter Strike may soon be able to enjoy it on their mobile devices, according to recent rumors. Valve Corporation, the game's developer, announced the launch of Counter-Strike 2 in March of this year, utilizing their own Source 2 game engine.
However, rumors have surfaced that a mobile version of the game is also in development. The rumors began when a Twitter user discovered lines of code from Valve's Counter Strike 2 that included mobile-specific commands for FPS during charging.
Game Droid Daily8582023-04-16
Clickbate, it's just some game with cs 1.6 graphics.
dude, never insult cs 1.6, secondly this is cs source.
g9od for you loser
that ain't csgo, it's cs source
It’s funny but the controls on your phone that you’re playing your game the game that you download the controls there is this b******t