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T3 Arena
T3 Arena - Tammoy Patra's Posts - TapTap

1K View2023-05-28
T3 arena was to be so fun and exciting, before the latest, SS0. Now the match ups are very bad. Too many bots in the ranked matches. Reporting player is there just for the show, it never do anything. The heroes damage, durability and abilities are changed so drastically that you have to completely change your play styles.
My main complain is the too many bots and cheaters in ranked matches.
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T3 IS so bug now, the matchmaking is make with shit i'm gold one and i'm fighting with Nezuko and his team who are diamond and anciennly superstar, Thanks T3



Hello, we are very sorry that the current game has not been satisfactory to you. The matching system you mentioned have always been our focus. We will continue to optimize it in the future and hope that future updates can provide you with a better experience


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My experience of T3 Arena from S1 to SS0.
First T3 was fun. Ranks were terrible I agree but now the game is completely hectic and full of bugs. 1. Sometimes 2nd skills doesn't work . 2. In the middle of the match, game freezes unable to move for the entire game. 3. When I get to a certain rank ,for example gold 1 3star, and notice that few my teammates are same when ever loose a match. They always have similar play style ,like standing in the corner for no reason , either firing straight up in the sky or the ground, going straight in to enemy line just to die and my favourite one never focusing on the objective and doing everything else. So STOP SENDING BOTS IN THE RANKS.
Tammoy Patra2K2023-06-05
I have been playing T3 for few days now after the slow queuing and finally able to play some matches. Here's what I think so far 👍 Pros: 1. Characters are well balanced.                 2. No more more loot box. Loot boxes use to be the worst part of the game. Now u don't have to waste time opening boxes for passives and second ultimates, now you can just buy it with coins and also buy reaching a certain level with character.
Tammoy Patra2482024-03-24
T3 Arena Drawbacks
The problem is its so hard to get a new hero. It costs a lots of time to get new hero or we have to spend the money. The game also has latency issue and you get hit behind the walls sometime. Not to mention, to upgrade the heroes we don't get battle points from battle but from chests only which isn't logical.
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