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Battle Prime: Multiplayer FPS
Battle Prime: FPS gun shooting - DjRobei's Posts - TapTap

2K View2023-06-20
Gameplay is not bad. Has console based graphics. Different multiple player modes, daily/weekly objectives, and tier ranking system. Not much of a award based system. Epic and legendary skins can only be obtained by paying which can lead to the downfall of this game becoming popular. It is fun, but you have to pay to play competitively.   
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It's a rather cute idle RPG. The graphics and art are actually well done, but overall, it's kinda mediocre. It really doesn't stand out all that much to be honest, as characters are two-dimensional, and story is... meh. Gameplay-wise, it's ok. It's an idle game so not really that challenging. It's ok, not bad and not good. There is actually some strategy needed here though. There is also a VIP system, which unfortunately makes the game favour pay players. Long story short, it's Pay-To-Win. And yes, skins are also hard to come by unless you fork over some cash.
the game is great and very fun what's more interesting is there's a chance to earn but what I hate is that the game is portrait making it hard to control(the map is long but not huge that's why) And the game has tons of bugs like your screen will turn green and you can't move,You will turn into a invisible players that you can't even see where are you or how much left in your health bar but enemys can see you,Sudden FPS drops,Random teleporting like you will randomly get teleported in the enemy in the start of the game or you will get teleported in the middle of the map. most of the characters are broken and most of them are just trash that you don't need even need to bother to play if you are looking for a quick way to win just use the most broken and annoying characters,Overall the game is fun but need more time to improve im gonna still play it though.
🎮 Gameplay: pretty good thats if u have a good character like holy shit some guys melt your hp before u even know it ig its good u should try it if your into competitive stuff and do not try to attack a group of people the jumping will be foul gng focus on gearing up and bro some characters make me ponder on what the fuck this games developers are doing like WHY THE FUCK DOES THIS CHARACTAR TELEPORT AWAY WHEN THERE ONE TICK AWAY AND WHEN THEY COME BACK stun stun run run repeat LIKE WTF DAWG MY CHARACTAR DOES NOT HAVE A ANSWER TO THISSSSSSSSSSS
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