Game is not too bad , but like always half assed , not enought monsters to fight , the fact that everything is your level , get boring really quick , plus the fact that most of the monster are same. , Or they do look different but they still have no danger for you at all . I'm hoping this new season 1 will bring changes. , Or just bring what we had in diablo 3 cow levels , normalised xp for every event , where are green , blue ,.etc goblins , different game same era , let's release the game with not fully optimized release , then promise the whole new world deliver , and act like we are listening and willing to remain our error , but it's just a front page , in inside they are thinking how to limit your xp or gold or legendary so that they could ask you to donate even more money for them.
BASICLY BUY DOWNLOA D or watch your favourite streamer and decide for your self so forget it's like 70£ here in U.K