Actually this game is good, but there's 1 big problem here.
Player need to find their 3D Avatar by themselves from website or even make their own Avatar with Software App.
Not everyone understand how to find and how to make their own Avatar. Players need simplicity like make their own Avatar directly in-game without upload or using 3rd Party App.
ForFor example, if u guys have play #Me 3D Avatar, Vyou, or even Zepetto. That apps allow player to make their own Avatar directly in-game. and that's 1 big reason they got popularity.
So If this game still like this, i can't take many hope...
I know you guys (Dev) give tutorials. but have you ever thought that even though you give tutorials about it, it's still make player feel bother! Players just need to Customize their avatar easyly without learning a program such Unity just for make an Avatar, or find a website to download the avatar. it's a waste of time. I comment like cuz I want this game much better. But, if you guys (Dev) doesn't care, it your decision. just hoping the best!
Thank you for your suggestion! We are right now working on the in-game avatar editing function.
Sorry for the inconvenience! We do have the avatar store that renews 6 avatars a day. We'll also have a series of tutorial videos that will help you get through the whole process of uploading your own avatars!