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Ollie's Manor: Pet Farm Sim
Ollie's Manor: Pet Farm Sim - Rabeirior's Posts - TapTap

1K View2023-07-02
    The game is well stylized, but that's what really keeps it temporairly interesting.
    When it comes to playing a game you wish to grind for hours on out, it's neither a good or bad option. After obtaining the auto collect, the need of being active goes away entirely.
     The only things you do within this game is upgrade, wait, upgrade, wait, send a guy on a mission (fully automatic with no control,) wait again, collect xp orbs, upgrade, etc. It's repetitive, but calming.
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Huge grinding
Huge grinding and extremely repitive game ... Boring , art and character design is top notch. But game is meant to be played ...collect resource>grind>play so called story and missions differently>repeat until you are satisfied. A serious NO thank you.
It's a good game, yet it's heavy autoplay till endgame content, since I'm fan of pvp, raids etc the autoplay doesn't put me down
Stunning visuals.. and that's about all
Game play itself gets boring pretty much after one gets used to  the nice visuals, on auto mode it is more like watching a movie with lots of pauses because one has to press the dialogues to  continue. An, there is no use in diaabling the auto mode as the gameplay itself is rather boring anyway so it can be auto and get over with. After a few days got bored, stopped playing But, i really liked the graphics
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