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Harry Potter: Magic Awakened
Welcome to the world of Magic and Spells! - Harry Potter Magic Awaken

Welcome to the world of Magic and Spells! - Harry Potter Magic Awaken

3K View2023-07-04
You will enter Hogwarts as a new student at the Magic Academy and start a mysterious adventure with other companions. At Hogwarts, you can see familiar characters, learn all kinds of magical lessons, experience thrilling wizards, and write a new chapter in your own magic world.
This is one of the excellent mobile games today, great for single-player or with people online. Honestly, this has been a fun experience playing this.
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Experience the world of MAGIC! - Harry Potter Magic Awaken Review
Wow, 2 Harry Potter games in one year which is very weird; we last had a Harry Potter game in the longest time before the recent one. The last Harry Potter game released before Legacy, and this one was back in 2013, was " Book of Potions, but anyway, back to the review! We are looking at a new Harry Potter Game for Android and iOS. Today's review of Harry Potter Magic Awakened Summary: You will enter Hogwarts as a new student at the Magic Academy and start a mysterious adventure with other companions. At Hogwarts, you can see familiar characters, learn all kinds of magical lessons, experience thrilling wizards, and write a new chapter in your own magic world.
Harry Potter Magic Awakened: A Spellbinding Adventure Introduction: Harry Potter Magic Awakened takes players on an enchanting journey into the magical world of Harry Potter, offering a delightful experience for fans and mobile gamers alike. With its immersive gameplay and captivating storyline, the game is an excellent addition to the Harry Potter universe. Gameplay: In Harry Potter Magic Awakened, players assume the role of a new student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As a freshly enrolled wizard or witch, you explore the iconic castle, attend classes, solve mysteries, and face magical challenges.
Harry Potter Magic Awakened Gameplay Walkthrough BETA TEST (Android, iOS)
Harry Potter Magic Awakened Gameplay Walkthrough BETA TEST (Android, iOS) LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more awesome games :) ■■■■ INFO ■■■■ Game Mode: Online Size: 5 GB Developer: Warner Bros. International Enterprises                           ■■■■ DOWNLOAD LINK ■■■■ Android: ►► TapTap: ►► iOS: ►► Coming soon ■■■■ ABOUT THIS GAME ■■■■ Harry Potter: Magic Awakened’ invites you begin your magical journey.
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