CAPTAIN TSUBASA: ACE is centered around participating in soccer matches wherein you control the entire team: Making passes, tackling, defending, and trying to score a goal. Just a typical soccer video game like FIFA with a touch of anime action, arcadeyness, and simplicity to it.
The core gameplay in CAPTAIN TSUBASA: ACE revolves around controlling the entire team during matches. It successfully captures the essence of the series' intense soccer battles, providing an exciting experience that puts players in the shoes of the soccer players in the Anime. The arcade-style mechanics make it easy for players to jump into the action, while the simplicity allows for quick and intuitive gameplay. Executing precise passes, powerful shots, and skillful dribbles feels satisfying, giving players a sense of control over the outcome of the matches.
As far as the presentation goes, the game is amazingly action-packed, with highly detailed, over-the-top anime action for scoring goals, defending goals, and sometimes even showcasing tackles and dashes when abilities are used. The visual spectacle may become repetitive over time, but the premise of competing and the satisfaction from defeating the opposition or narrowly overcoming challenging teams is what will keep you engaged and playing.
CAPTAIN TSUBASA: ACE is a mobile gacha soccer team based on the manga and anime series of the same name. It is currently conducting an Android Closed Beta Testing from July 3-17 in select regions.
Where do you get the Captain Tsubasa Ace game from?