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Auroria: a playful journey
Auroria: a playful journey - Manowator мобильные игры's Posts - TapTap

2K View2023-07-14
My opinion. The game is very beautiful, interesting animals. The construction is amazing.  And there is not enough MMS for smartphones.
And now about the problems.
1. Construction. Almost everything is fine and very beautiful. The first drawback is auto-leveling, my ladder has grown into the middle of the wall. But this is a small thing. The main problem is the very fine print. I can't read or find almost anything. I understand that such a number of subjects is difficult to organize. But banal Google tables are more suitable than the current interface.
2. Combat system. After Cod and Pubg, I almost broke my fingers trying to kill enemies. And why is my printer capable of printing a refrigerator or a TV not capable of making an automatic laser turret? Why kill orcs with a baton, having high technology? And when the binding of weapons to the level is over, I can carry 18 pieces of weapons in my backpack, but I can't take at least one in my hands. It's better to have no combat system at all than this.
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Sam D
Sam D

bro which region you belong to?


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Really a good game, with great potential but not perfect
•As for the graphics, it's really good, the locations are well structured and quite different from each other. •While the sound isn't that great, it's good all in all but quite monotonous, the soundtrack is repetitive while the sound effects are normal they should be improved, It would be great to add more ambient sounds. •The characters are many and interesting, with different abilities, with a proper upgrade and skin system, it would be nice to have your own main character to create and customize.
A wonderful game at its core, but as if slightly unfinished. a huge number of gameplay conventions that are made as if to infuriate you, problems with the strength of weapons and armor are invisible starting with the purple grade, what the problems are with materials for repair, but in the beginning everything was fine, just the developers reduced the chance of dropping golden keys from the ruins and that we would have a normal amount of materials for repair, you need to farm painfully boring totems, the strength of accessories for ranged weapons is generally worth removing. Attendants and pets, in addition to having the intelligence of bread, also cannot move away from you at a sufficient distance, which is particularly annoying in a battle with grand beasts, no one taught them to shoot up, too, often lose their target if you switch to pipa or elixir during a fight. P2W seems to be there, but it's not there, you can calmly and (almost) have fun playing F2P. My friend in the game pumped "azur light" and has 34k BP on it, all this is free.
Sky ShoW1K2022-02-10
one of the best mmos ever made. so good i tend to stay up for hours after work to just play and expore. play for free friendly though the roof. no p2w. grand and sureal open world to expore. fast pased action that feels like monster hunter mixed with ark. This one is a game changer for sure. as long as the bugs get fixed for sure. Update: its been at least a month since ive give the game a shot and ill say. ive come to enjoy every second of this title. each passing week, the devs are working hard to crush the number amount of bugs that ive seen so far. (closing doors bug being crushed was a huge sign that these devs truely do care about fixing this game.) the game still needs work in terms of running more smoothly on both pc and phones. PC should of ran with a full screen mode from the start. but its fine for the number of hours ive put into the game. but i hope future updates really crack dwon on these issues hard. having this game in western servers would help with the popluation increase and ping levels too.
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