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T3 Arena
T3 Arena - IamSoSick's Posts - TapTap

1K View2023-08-01
This game is great until u get to the higher rank then all of a sudden the hole game changes you shoot people for nothing to happen and die in one hit it makes no sense at all it is so broken it’s crazy
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OK great game, great guns, great aim assist, but ass rank system, I am in diamond three and I was nocked and my teammate started to shoot at me thinking I was the enemy, like how the fuck did that mf get into diamond??? So lately I been soloing in squads, fix rank system.
Robert Martinez5642023-10-22
Were do I even start with this shitty ass game, auto fire kills the gps portion of it, if people can just shoot through the smoke and while flashed like wtf, the rank system is garbage, Oh! Your about to rank up from gold I to platinum , instead of giving you platinum let's have you win  3/5 to rank up to platinum and we won't give you a good team at fucing all. What a really hate is that the matches for players are for those between Bronze 3 - Diamond 1, and guess what I get on my team every damn time I'm trying to rank up, Oh, you guessed it FUCKIN BRONZE teammates. Don't get me started on the damn enemies, I only played against real players in rank but I can't get a damn real teammate because they so damn ass. 
Game is very bad. You start good but after several matches, when you play and if the enemy shoots you. You get one shotted (always). Doesn't care how good you play. They always one shot.
ZBabo 🤘1K2023-05-12
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