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Onmyoji Arena
Onmyoji Arena - Kouraaa's Posts - TapTap

1K View2023-08-04
Been playing for a little around 2 years, not once has this game disappointed except with it's matchmaking. The gameplay is what sets this MOBA apart from other MOBA games, the pacing, the meta, and the cosmetics are just top notch. The anime style is very eye-catching and another unique trait that this MOBA has. Lastly, the community is quite healthy with minimal toxicity.
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Have been playing this game on and off for the past 2 years. The graphics are stunning and gameplay is fun. I wish they had more variety to their heroes though since the roster has already been flooded with several humanoid characters. Skins are also made for top-played heroes while the rest are left to dust. Waifu characters are only favored since they sell obviously. The language barrier has also been a long-running problem especially if you're playing on the Asia server. Matchmaking also takes minutes, often several unless you're playing on the Garena client. Players who leave or throw are also an often occurrence but I guess that is common to any MOBA game. In short, the game has its pros and cons but it's still playable.
Fun, quick, enjoyable MOBA with cool heroes and equipment. I enjoy it very much. Just teammates can be a bit of issue, so muting is recommended whe you meet toxicity in game. Other that that issue, it's my favourite game.
its ok for moba besides graphics this game has nothing unique but one good thing about this games has is that its chars have their skill animations done justice w.r.t.  comics so if u r fan of marvel than u will stick around...probably as for me m not coz recently netease titles like this one and ride out heroes etc are becoming greedier while rewarding chump change to players so m done with netease titles. Installed for a while again and now this junk doesnt even have over 1k daily players, lol what happened to those dipshits who saod this game was azing, dont see them playing lmao.
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