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Rumble Boxes aren't as bad as people seem to think

Rumble Boxes aren't as bad as people seem to think

898 View2023-08-11
Just to clarify there is actually a drop rate written in the rumble box info in the hall of fame tab
The chances of getting heroes are based on rarity the power cores and t-coins are just much more common due to the percentage difference.
You can see the percentages of my current account. As you can see I got all but fort being the last to obtain.
As for all-stars they have a fixed chance that changes every season.
Their rank rarity is reduced every season. So even if you didn't get what you wanted that just means it's not the time for it yet.
Passives however are different and only occurs after lvl 9. I don't know about their chances but they are hard to get as far as my experience can tell.
Im just telling this because I'm tired of seeing posts such as rumble boxes suck just because it their 400th box. And also to let everyone know that there is a fixed chance and not biased.
Also I didn't buy passives and I'm f2p this is my collection after 6 months of playing T3. So just be patient and I'm tired of hearing those kinds of posts from such a small community.
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rick dhy
rick dhy

Same here bruh....i little agree with you...if you have a little patient u Will get all of them for free(oc Vincent exclude) but so far the box is okay for me. i've been play this game since the first season, and yeah u r right...now i have all of them with no money to spend. but passives skill r different one for me, they r just really hard to get from the box fr. I only have 9 max level character and 5 level 9 character they are just stuck at lvl 9...plz developer gimme more passives skill


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