In Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical, players embark on a journey as Grace, an aspiring musician who unexpectedly inherits the powers of the Last Muse, due to an unexpected circumstance. Set in an urban fantasy world where myths and monsters intertwine with normal, modern life, Grace becomes entangled in a murder mystery that demands her musical prowess – enhanced by the powers of the Gods. The player's choices shape Grace's path as she navigates the intricacies of Greek deities, uncovers dark secrets, and harmonizes her way to justice.
Stray Gods challenges the conventional definition of gameplay, the pacing might be a bit slower than I had preferred, but nevertheless it offers an interactive narrative experience driven by player choices. These choices are seamlessly blended with and are infused by the musical aspect, allowing players to shape the story through their decisions and even influence song lyrics and melodies. This unique approach transforms the game into an musical adventure, where players guide Grace's path through the power of music.
Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical provides players with three distinct options to shape their own path through both the music and the story: Charming, Kickass, and Clever. The personality you select will determine a unique path with its own set of choices within the game
The incorporation of music as a central gameplay element sets Stray Gods apart from its contemporaries. The interactive and time-limited song choices, where players shape the direction of the music, provide an engaging layer to the narrative. This innovation transforms the game into a harmonious experience, making each playthrough distinct and personalized. While the music might not be groundbreaking, its role in storytelling and player agency deserves recognition.