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Rainbow Six Mobile
Rainbow Six Mobile - AltNova's Posts - TapTap

639 View2023-09-02
A good port of a good game. The slow pace of R6 fits perfectly on mobile, but all out gun fights are still as exhilarating as the PC original. Optimization is also great, my phone is crap, but the game runs well nonetheless, none of them pesky frame drops are gonna ruin your fun.
My only gripe with the game is the potential grind to get operators for f2p players. Unlike the PC original, each operator now has a rarity attached to them, the higher the rarity, the pricier they are. What this means is you have to shell out more real-world cash for them if you want to unlock them outright, or use the ticket system to grind for them, and getting tickets for high rarity operators is a fight and a half, not to mention you can still get tickets for operators you've already unlocked.
If you want the R6 experience on mobile, this is it, but pray that your favorite operators are of common rarity, or you'll be grinding for a while.
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I love r6 and love that they made a mobile port but I don't really like some of the ads and i don't like how u get characters but all of those are really small but all that aside this is the best mobile port that happened.
Played PC version and mobile now, here are my thoughts, first off, my first match I lost because I was not expecting how many buttons would be in my face and which one is needed for what. After I setup in the first game my sensitivities, my controls/layout of buttons, my opacity to basically 20% on everything so I can see, I found myself shooting cams, leaning, and killing game after game. It feels responsive and satisfying but there needs to be a mode to change controls without losing, thankfully in this closed alpha theres no trophies to lose or win its just playing for fun which I had fun but left with desire for longer matches, definitely a good step in terms of combat and porting the game to mobile version. These issues are very nitpicky so other than that I can't really see anything bad about R6 Mobile, thanks for the invite and I will be following the development!
High-Precision, Tactical Shooter Hits the Mobile Market! Is R6 Mobile Worth Your Time?
Rainbow 6 Mobile is a mobile take on Ubisoft’s tactical first-person squad shooter, Rainbow 6 Siege. Like Siege, R6 mobile aims to deliver the slower, more methodical approach to shooting onto a mobile, handheld package. While the shooting and strategy can be fun, the game is kind of held back by its meager content offerings of only two game modes with only a map each, which can make the gameplay loop feel repetitive and stale after a while. Still, there is depth to be had here in Rainbow 6 Mobile. Hopefully the game can become wide and long enough to match its ambition once it fully releases from its soft-launch. Full Review on TapTap:
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