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On My Own
On My Own - Analyst's Posts - TapTap

748 View2023-09-18
A chill Survival Game!
At first it is confusing what to do and what's the end game or object is. But sooner you realize it is just a game that you can play for time pass the better experience you will have.
It seems hardcore at first but after you farm and build some stuff it is really not that hard.
If you are looking for a solo survival game you should definitely try this game at least once.
For rating i will give this game: 4/5
Have a chill pill time and enjoy.
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"A survival game for the mentally challanged." The best way to describe this game if im being honest. I love it soo much. The concept, the execution, the god awfull revamp recently, yadda yadda. Its just amazing how much content lies within such a simple game. I played this for hours, not getting one repetitive run, and that's what shines with this game. There is no optimal strat, there is no best loadout. There is make shit up as you go, or rush nuclear fussion.
IT is the best survival game. It is little bit scary and intense also. We can chose many killer many perk etc. But the game is super assom
Manjit Dungdung1K2023-08-02
A Great Game You MUST PLAY
I can not say alot about the game it have a great beginning and the other people you play with are too kind it is so much better than all the other open world survival games you can play with 4 friend and make a home and go out killing zombies
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