Unrecord on MOBILE ??
Do you know Unrecord? No ?! It's a game developed by French people who was a hit some time ago because of a trailer which showed images that were perhaps too realistic to be a simple game, out some time ago also the developers of this one decided to suppress this rumor by showing the game in the graphics engine, and now some still don't believe it, but anyway I wanted to show you Rec.o.r.d a game that is currently available in demo, and which takes the universe of Unrecord by putting it on mobile, the graphics look really cool and I just advise you to try it because for the moment there is nothing to do but admire it, and it's one of the most beautiful games I've seen on mobile and which runs very well, however its problems are that there is no manual shooting and there is very disturbing motion blur, but I think and hope that some stuff will be added as this game progresses.