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Devil May Cry: Peak of Combat
Devil May Cry: Peak of Combat - BLXTR's Posts - TapTap

644 View2023-10-13
📖 Storyline: all Goods
🕹️ Controls:  theres a liitle bit not quite , missing targeting .
🎨 Graphics:  No problem
👎 Cons:  ugh Stamina i hate it
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👎 Cons: bad graphics 🎮 Gameplay: actually good📖 Storyline: interesting 🕹️ Controls: in the beginning a little hard but you'll get over it
Mr.Reviews 1032023-12-31
👍 Pros: good graphics 🎮 Gameplay: awesome 👎 Cons: sometimes lags when I have to lig in 📖 Storyline: I LOVEEE IT 🕹️ Controls: fantastic
👍 Pros: The game is good and interesting but sometimes the problem is black screen, loading in lobby, delay touch. I hope they will solve that error. 📖 Storyline: Some storyline is not included that's bad but included storyline is good. 🕹️ Controls: The control is decent but sometimes it won't follow you like when you attack a combo it will attack in nonstop that you cannot change the direction of that combo.
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