The First Beta Test is Complete: Director's Letter
Heroes of Armantia,
Hello everyone. I'm the CEO of Challengers Games and the Producer of Second Wave, Koji Tamura.
I hope everyone is doing well with the new season and all the changes that come with it. I'm certainly not. I still haven't gotten over my cold for a month now... (cough, cough)
Well, anyway. First and foremost, I want to say thank you to everyone.
To everyone who participated in our first Beta Test from October 6th to October 16th, thank you. It's been almost four months since we first showed you our Alpha version of Second Wave on May 27th, 2023. This Alpha test was incredibly instrumental. We were able to gather some amazing feedback from the Alpha players, and it helped us steer the game in the right direction. The view on this ship during our adventure to create Second Wave was a little foggy at times, but your feedback allowed us to see more clearly and resulted in bringing some really good changes to the game.
Bon Koo9492023-10-16
We hope that when released, mobile players will also be able to play
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