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Arclight City
Arclight City - 5|90|_|R|\|3`/'s Posts - TapTap

335 View2023-10-17
Arclight City feels like an upgraded version of Cybercode Online. If you enjoyed that game definitely try this one out. It has a similar setup to Cybercode but with more features and QOL improvements. 
This should look somewhat familiar if you've played Cybercode
There are some new battle mechanics. Now you aren't alone exploring strongholds. You can hire mercenaries with various abilities to assist you in battle. 
Absolutely check this out if Cybercode was interesting to you at all
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Tap-Review: Arclight City
✨ A new variant from Dexter Huang, the predecessor of CyberCode Online (CCO)!  Carrying the same theme of a Cyberpunk MMORPG Text-Based game with simple and complex versions. Also read Just You & Words: Enjoy the Sensation of a Text-Based Game 📱In terms of UI, Arclight City feels better than CCO. It looks modern and typical of cyberpunk themes with motion graphics that feel smooth. 👥 When creating character profiles, it seems they use AI. That's why every click between hairstyles, hair colors, and eye colors, different characters appear. Is this intentional or was it made that way?
Cybercode Online is a pretty interesting for a mobile game. So here is a basic rundown on how it works and my opinion on it. Gameplay: When you first load up the game there will be a series of beginner quest for you to do. Such as talking in chat, fighting enemies, listing items on the market, etc. Doing these quest will help you get to know how the game works and where everything is. Combat consist of timing your attacks to get extra damage, choosing the right weapon for the situation, and healing yourself. Equipment basically the only way to increase your stats besides leveling. Equipment can increase your health, storage space, damage, critical chance, and much more.
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