In Endless Dungeon, you explore a mysterious abandoned space station alongside other stranded heroes. Prepare for the dangers that lie ahead by managing your resources and constructing defenses, protecting the Crystal Bot from harm, and eliminating any hostiles that stand ready to kill you, be they monsters, bugs, or robots.
The game hooks you right in from the very start, from its initial tutorial to its actual rogue-lite gameplay, you’d want to keep playing for more. The objective: reach the core or perish in the attempt, and then try again with better knowledge and gear, rinse and repeat. Whether played solo or with friends, Endless Dungeon offers a fun-filled addicting experience.
The core loop of Endless Dungeon involves exploration, preparation, protection, and extermination. The layout of each district within the space station is procedurally generated, ensuring that no two runs are the same. As you explore, you'll uncover secrets, gather resources, and confront various enemy types and bosses. The game's dynamic and strategic gameplay seamlessly combines elements of turn-based games, tower defense, and twin-stick shooting. Players open doors to reveal rooms, and every room can house generators, turret slots, and enemy spawners. Waves of enemies trigger after opening doors, prompting you to defend your generators and the crystal bot.
The game is undeniably addictive. My first session started late at night, and I was already feeling somewhat drowsy by then. Without even realizing it, I continued playing until the early morning hours. The gameplay is incredibly diverse, with a fusion of different genres such as RTS, tower defense, twin-stick shooter, dungeon crawling, rogue-lite, and escort missions, ensuring that it never got boring. Plus, the progression system is highly rewarding, offering new upgrades, characters, and levels to uncover. As far as Rogue-lites go, this might just be one of the best ones of the year.