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Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk 2077 - Bigby Wolf 's Posts - TapTap

1K View2023-10-25
Before update 2.01 patch the game was great only problem I had was crafting the top tier weapons of the game. The player had to level their character wisely. But now it's better than ever crafting is easy
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I hope they continue to update this game. Many years since release but some important content are still not updated. Like crafting tungsten to make guns, metal cutter, etc. Despite being heavily relied on having guns for certain places we still can't make a proper gun of our own instead of just looting it from bunker and others. But luckily the developer is getting nice with making some content easier like farm place and easier loot drop. I hope they continue developing the game before they lose their long time player base who have been waiting for years. For those saying its a P2W game they definitely chicken out of playing this game before actually trying.. even if you're F2P the game is still quiet generous. Every game needs grinding but this game requires real skill to do it so it's not really boring at all. Games nowadays are made so we don't have to think at all, making people lazy to do some minor task, what's good about this game is that they require thinking as well.
loved the game at the beginning, now an AR57 and i neveri never get the characters i want, poor artifact system farming materials takes sometimes too long. idek why im still playinf this sh!
S B4232023-02-17
previous version was better... idk what you've done with this one...there are so many bugs and glitches... heating is decreased but this version really sucks. Also for new players it can be a little unfair you can't kill a geared up player with bows and arrows...also you need to increase construction limit of everything. Allow players to build higher damage arrows simply add mechanism to build iron tipped arrows
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