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PAYDAY: Crime War
Why was payday: crimewar shut down?

Why was payday: crimewar shut down?

908 View2023-11-10
So for those who don't know payday: crimewar was a payday game released on mobile. this game was in the works for several years. It finally released in 2023 only to just dissappear. The reason they took it down was because  it had lots of problems lags, the servers and more so eventually they took it down.
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Pay day: Crime War
This game died 2 times ...
This games was the best out of all the other hack and slash games it was unbeatable I miss it so much I hope it gets a come back and save my stuff the only reason it shutdown was because nexon was money greedy decid to shut it down because it wasn't doing so well idk if what ever reason just wanted to say I am one of the millions of people that loved this game hope it comes back
I spent in the game and played this game for a long time but for your information the game was sadly shutted down and the news and reason was posted on their official discord server not in game.
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