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ONE PUNCH MAN: WORLD - grattam's Posts - TapTap

1K View2023-11-11
I forgot to post my review for my early access a month ago, BUTTT, that doesnt matter right now. What matters is One punch man world to me is a 8.5/10
๐Ÿ‘ Pros:ย  There are many things to do in the open world of One punch man, there are many people and vendors you can talk to, to collect quests or buy items. Or even travelling to places like the Canyon that's saitama and genos fight in fir a completely different quest.
๐Ÿ‘Ž Cons: The game can get repetitive the longer you play. I suggest taking mini breaks from the game to keep the immersion alive for the next time you play. There is quite a bit of dialogue, I often found myself not paying attention and tapping the screen randomly. It takes time to get to the new part of the story that I've been anticipating for 1 hour now.
๐Ÿ•น๏ธ Controls: The controls are basically similar to genshin or many other games like it.
๐ŸŽฎ Gameplay: My device of choice (Galaxy s8+) ran the game super smoothly on both medium and low graphics, even on high I was able to run the open world at a decent 30 frames. There are alot of characters to get with they're own unique skill sets and passives. I don't think I'm allowed to say who you can play as, but there are plenty more to still be put in the game. (Both Heros and villains)
๐Ÿ“– Storyline: The story line is essentially all the events in season 1 but also the perspective of other characters before and after the events. You'd think the story would be short since it's not only a mobile/pc game, it also follows the first season of the anime ONLY, but the studio behind the game cleverly added more story behind the lore of one punch man. (For reference I played the game as an average player and it took me around 2-3 hours to get past the mosquito girl portion of the game)
๐Ÿ’ฌ Dialogue & Writing: alot... there is alot of dialogue.
๐ŸŽž๏ธ Cinematics: the animations from season one are very well reanimated in the style of OPMW. No complaints.
๐Ÿ‘ฅ Multiplayer: Now I have no friends that play mobile. But from what I've seen in the game so far the multiplayer is looking very nice and fun.
This game has been one of my most anticipated game on my list, as a long time fan to the series. I tried my hardest not to be biased, and I do really belive 8.5/10 is the fairest rating to give OPMW if your not a fan to the series. The studio behind the project are doing a great job. I also see the game having a console port AND having more multiplayer options, like a battle system to test each others skill.
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I'm giving this review after playing for a few hours. Cons: - There are a few minor early bugs; even though they are minor, they are very irritating. - Server bug persists; it still shows the Feb 1st server opening prompt, requiring multiple clicks to enter the game. - Some tutorial and interface bugs. - Disappointment with the Dodge feature; it lacks perfect dodge and parry attack, a common expectation in action games. Even though there is a accurate dodge option for a few characters it is just there to increase the damage of skill and normal attacks of that character.
Been playing this game for 4 days, the graphics optimization is very good in midrange phone some drop frame rates as expected but all the time is good. The gameplay is awesome.. The SEA server is a little bit unstable but not that long and manageable. It's not a open world type of game but I wish they should do that because they already have this concept from GI well I thought it was and the name of the game is One punch man: World ๐Ÿ˜ anyway. The controls are great I love the combo type powers of every character can wait for other hero's power to see especially mumen rider ๐Ÿ˜„..Now the story line, I never rate it because somehow it getting boring because I know already what is the next story or happen next, I shouldn't watch the series ๐Ÿ˜„. If this is the story no side stories well there is some but still you know what is next ๐Ÿ˜. In the long run you will get bored playing the game..and that worries me. The other thing is this game will end up P2W for sure. Getting The SSR character is really a game of luck.. Well there is a way but a very long way to have an SSR heroes.. Overall this game is awesome and doing a good job. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
My opinion on one punch man: world Well I was super excited about game at first, because one punch man is one of my favourite anime, but I am quiet disappointed after the realse Here are my reviews๐Ÿ‘‡ ๐ŸŽฎ Gameplay: As expected, graphics are insane and looks great as it was shown but still game is not well optimised and I have high end device but still it lags and stutter even when my device doesn't overheat.
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