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Lost Future
Lost Future: Zombie Survival - User396162837's Posts - TapTap

306 View2023-11-12
Gameplay is best I have ever seen in a video game but stealth isn't good because all the enemies are close to each other and if ur trying to hide with a yellow indicator they can spot u through walls, I don't like story because all the characters are yapping all the time, there are some clothes in the for example if u try to kill a zombie while he's standing up he will stand up but u xant interact with him and he is just a husk
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The graphics and mechanism is top notch, peak gaming. And the game atmosphere, lighting is beautiful However, the gameplay is bland. You just hack and slash zombies or men on you way. It's a straight path. No exploration. No looting. So.. Don't give a great review unless you've played it at least half an hour. It's a boring game with godly graphics.
Charlex Le'gran2692023-12-06
Game is good but controls require some tweaks and reduce the difficulty in finding resources or fighting zombies I still had machete and gun with limited bullets which I consider very hard to acquire even if u have to craft them u still need some stuff which is very hard to attain if the zombies are in hordes sneak attacks are limited unless u approach at a closer range which might get u exposed it's a 50/50 chance I died and lost it all game is purely pay to win traps tossing range is too low dodging attacks is limited through special moves the damage u take is very high might lose a character or 2 depending on the type of zombie or marauders with automatics will shoot u down in an instant
Great game One thing i deslike the most is people camping the respond areas its annoying the shiukd give the player a invisiblity for like 30 seconds after respqwn @ locations graphics better than most zombie fps weapons system seems ok but i noticed the lmg is good for close battle fights other that it is very competitive even with the zombies nearby overall great game
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