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Dead God Land: Survival Games
Dead God Land: Survival Games - AceBorderCollie's Posts - TapTap

430 View2023-11-12
Very heavy Pay to Win, And Gambling Gacha Loot boxes. Also like another comment said. It's nothing new or original. It's just a copy paste of other very similar games like this. Inventory space is so limited you can't ever choose to take everything. Constantly having to juggle inventory. And it has a Energy system so you can only play like 1-2 hour a day. This kind of game is by default one of the worst designed games ever made.
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Lots and lots and lots of free rewards. Battles appear to be automated with no interaction from user. User creates teams, upgrades them and equips them. Try to get high rated heroes with good synergy for more powerful auto battles. It's okay play wise, but the art style imo is the best part. There's quite a few games like this but play this one because you like the art style and because you get more for free than other games of its type.
Greedy game and it's only at beta... Full of gacha exclusives, and a really terrible-looking rhythm game, very generic with no effort at all to engage players. It only relies on popular songs, but even the dressing feature is quite janky and buggy.
The character models are made crookedly (not in combat), the fight is completely afk (I kind of go to play, and don't watch how the game levels go for me). Quite a greedy lottery .  The game falls asleep at the beginning of resource usage. It also forces you to watch a lot of ads to get bonus resources. They also force you to donate. It looks too cheap to me. As they would say in Russia : " За такое говнище , такие денжища ... "
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