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Racing Master
Racing Master - ScuderiaFerrari's Posts - TapTap

33 View2023-11-12
Netease deleted many cars and tracks in the Chinese version. The Chinese version didn't start with a Koenigsegg or Bugatti.The physics of the game is very strange, drifting is faster than grasping.This has nothing to do with the imitation of Netease's propaganda. Incidentally, Netease seems to have deleted the garage for early testing and replaced it with a dilapidated warehouse.(The above is translated by AI)
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i played every beta test At first, Netease Congratulations ! you made another masterpiece in 2023. thats why i really love netease game. This game is really perfect . racing , physics, Storyline, Car details & customizations , Lanes , limited car gacha systems , exhaust sounds are so realistic. This game is really unique racing game .this game is really perfect on mobile. i never played that kind of perfect game on android mann. i'm just waiting this game when i saw the trailer on youtube. it almost 2 year. i'm still waiting. Netease, please release this game as soon as possible. this game was already perfect in Nov.5 US last beta test.
《巔峰極速》,是網易遊戲與Codemasters深度合作的一款3A級跨平臺擬真操控競速遊戲,在遊戲中,玩家可以自由操控賽車,馳騁於全球都市與賽道,感受極致擬真的視聽體驗與爽快駕駛樂趣。 💡【知名賽車遊戲廠商,Codemasters深度合作】 作為曾開發過塵埃拉力、Grid、F1系列的英國老牌賽車遊戲廠商,Codemasters有著極為豐富的擬真賽車研發經驗。而此次得益於Unreal 4引擎和Codemasters專有的EGO物理引擎,《巔峰極速》在視聽效果與車輛物理上,都將媲美主機賽車遊戲大作。屆時,玩家將能在不同平臺上,感受到這款賽車遊戲帶來的樂趣。 🎮【過百款授權車型,自定義你的賽車】 《巔峰極速》取得了全球主流車廠的正版授權,得到了包括法拉利、蘭博基尼、保時捷在內的超100款最為一線的車輛技術數據和資料。玩家將能體驗到海量授權車型,感受來自原廠定製的獨特手感! 遊戲內改裝同樣如現實一般豐富、自由。玩家不僅能夠利用個性塗裝和創意貼花去自定義車輛外觀,更能深度定製車輛外形,更改輪轂、排氣、尾翼等部件,以及調整底盤高度、輪轂傾角等姿態參數。
Been looking forward to this game since it was released.After waiting for nearly three years, the Taiwan version was released first, but there has been no news about the global version.So I can’t wait any longer, so I downloaded the Taiwan version first to satisfy my craving.Unexpectedly, after downloading and playing, I was so disappointed. First of all, let me explain that all the light and shadow effects of the vehicle are better than those of CSR2!CSR2 can still see traces of computer painting rendering. And the vehicles in this game are completely realistic! This is very much in line with my requirements.But the fly in the ointment is that there are few vehicles in the garage and there are not many brand-authorized vehicles like CSR2.Maybe there will be more in the future? 🤔The gameplay feels a bit boring 🙃 It feels very similar to Asphalt.Then it feels like the strategy of specializing in collecting vehicles like the previous Horizon Mobile version, and then selecting the appropriate car in your garage according to the competition to match the opponent's vehicle group.Anyway, I uninstalled it after playing for about an hour.
JINYI 🔴 ⚽ 🎧 🎮2K2023-10-21
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