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Call of Duty®: Warzone™ Mobile
Call of Duty®: Warzone™ Mobile - Ash 's Posts - TapTap

686 View2023-11-14
First and foremost, the graphics is still dogshit.
However, the revamped maps have more depth and can be considered a redeeming act. The gameplay mechanics are pretty good but the lags although minimal are a limiting factor.
The battle royale is playable but the mosh pit maps can be rough. Even in my OnePlus 11R, the team deathmatch one was so laggy, I could'nt even move my character.
The COD Warzone needs to move up from this Limited Release and deliver a finished product. The state of the game now is laughable compared to COD Mobile, Pubg and other opps.
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thoughts on COD Warzone
First of all ive only played the game probbly around 20-40 mins ngl despite all the bugs n customization lacking, the game is almost near perfect the same as CoD Warzone bck in the old Verdansk day. Settings n customization however lack the option to change high frame rate which what all true gamers love and need. Not only they lack high fps but also in-game sensitivity. ADS for some reason abit clunky/lack responsive. Might due to network ping too high or bug but whatever the case if it wasnt because of such phenomena i would probably stay longer for the game n inmerse myself with all the gun-slinging thrill, lmao.
Aldren Len1K2022-12-02
Well there's been some changes since the last beta update, there's a new striker and the scar AR I believe. There's a new shooting challenge and some smaller changes. Now in terms of gameplay it's as smoother than you would expect, at least for now l know there will be more weapons and much more additions so I guess only time will tell, smooth nonetheless. Barely any bugs if any, the only time I saw a bug or glitch was when I first got into a BR map and the whole screen went gray, other than that found none. Game modes are fast paced and fun as you would expect, the weapons feels somewhat balanced. Visuals/Graphics are pretty good, not overly impressive but decent. Overall it's a great game, although without more game modes and more content I can't say I see it competing Codm, but only time will tell eh.
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