How to download Jujutsu Kaisen Phantom Parade from any country(including USA, India etc.)
Download ProtonVPN from any appstore.
Open ProtonVPN and sign-up & login and click on fastest core.
If you're not connected to Japan click change server.
If you get timer when changing server change your phone date & time
And try changing servers
When server is changed reset to default date & time.
Download the game from taptap
Now boom! Play it!
Soumeswar Bhuty6732023-11-28
Here is a video tutorial I made on how to download the Jujutsu Kaisen Phantom Parade game and how to play it using a VPN (because this game is Region Blocked to Japan so therefore it is only available in Japan, not worldwide) and also how to translate the game to English from Japanese (or any other language), since it is only in Japanese. Hope this helps! If this helps, give it a Like :) thanks! Enjoy!